Airships are lighter than air which makes for a magical form of travel. Unfortunately, airships are remembered from their hydrogen filled days where several disasters occurred. Moreover, I believe the reason this industry is at a standstill is due to the current shortage of helium. There are too many manufacturers and operators to add to this bucket. I will continue to fill my airships bucket with information as I get the time. Future airship designs look so peaceful and roomy so I hope someday to float along while enjoying a tasty meal.
Albert Einstein
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Albert Einstein's estate * Perhaps the most famous scientist of the modern age. Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who changed how we see the World. His theory of relativity and work in quantum mechanics still influence our lives today.
Amazing Cats
Cats are funny little creatures that are intoxicating to observe. Each cat is full of mystery and love. Do you love cats? Then take a look!
Anne Hathaway
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Anne Hathaway * Academy Award winning actress starring in numerous films grossing billions of dollars. Anne Hathaway has cemented her place is Hollywood history. She is wonderful in The Devil Wears Prada!
The South Pole is an exceedingly cold place which is desolate as well as beautiful.
Apollo Program
Could you imagine watching the Saturn V launch up close? The sound and power of this rocket must have been an experience to remember. This bucket is a work in progress!
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Apple * The first time I used an Apple was in school. I programmed a rocket game for my class project. I still have the floppy disk! I wonder if I can get it to work somehow? Back in 1997 Steve Jobs came back to a struggling company and turned it around. Now Apple is the largest company in the World.
Arcade Games
I grew up in the 70s and 80s and have fond memories of the arcade. I was just a casual player but still had fun playing here and there. Have you ever been to an arcade? Put your quarter up so everyone behind you knew you were up next? Was your score high enough to enter your initials onto the top 10 chart for all time?
Art Bell
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the late Art Bell's estate * Art Bell was a paranormal radio personality who hosted Coast to Coast AM in the middle of the night. Some of his guests were sort of crazy while others were quite knowledgeable. Either way, his show was entertaining due to Art's perfect voice and inquisitive brain.
Artemis Program
As a kid, I still remember viewing the first space shuttle take off in my 5th grade class. Whenever the shuttle launched it sure was a treat to catch a launch on television. As I research this bucket, I am finding a plethora of people, who sound just like me, remembering launches of the past. Artemis is a permanent moon presence program that will someday expand onto Mars.
I love autos but am not in love with automobiles! This bucket is already my largest but I will label this a work in progress. There is plenty that still needs to be added here. Anyone who is obsessed with automobiles want to take over my bucket?
Babe Ruth
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Babe Ruth's estate * I did not know Babe Ruth is often seen as the greatest baseball player of all time until I conducted research for this bucket. Of course, Babe Ruth is probably the most recognized player in history.
Back to the Future
* This is not an official Back to the Future Bucket * I love science fiction movies and this one was done quite well.
BBQ Ribs
A nice slab of ribs slathered in sauce might feel like an out of body of experience.
An alcoholic beverage invented in BCE times for the enjoyment of people everywhere around the World. In my town of Phoenixville, the list of craft beer and brewery restaurants is growing rapidly.
Black Mirror
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Black Mirror * People are saying that Black Mirror is a modern day version of Rod Serling's famous Twilight Zone. I heard about this show around midnight last night so I watched about 30 minutes. How did I not know about this show, with first air date in 2011, until now?! I am pleasantly surprised and am already a huge fan. Looking at the ratings for this show, it looks like I'm not alone.
Block Island
Block Island is part of the state of Rhode Island. Sandy beaches along with a historical lighthouse are part of Block Island's charm. The National Wildlife Refuge and walking paths throughout the island make wonderful memories.
Bob Ross
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Bob Ross Inc. * Known for his friendly carefree presence which attracted loyal fans back in 1980s and early 1990s. Bob Ross and his famous show The Joy of Painting is more popular than ever as people rediscover his truly peaceful experience.
British Royals
Why is the royal family so interesting? The drama and intrigue alone are enough to keep me captivated. The long history with so many family members contributing to the fabric of the monarchy add flavor. Of course, the absolutely enormous real estate holdings and elegant architecture is quite stunning.
Buffalo Wings
I was deciding if I should call my bucket Buffalo Wings or if I should call it Chicken Wings. There's quite the debate around the World on the proper name. I grew up in Rochester which is about 90 minutes outside Buffalo and I created this bucket so I'm going with the phrase Buffalo Wings! Some will disagree with me, but I highly recommend chunky blue cheese with your chicken wings!
I am currently working on a marketing project and thought I would brush up on my knowledge. This bucket will specifically focus on "call to action" techniques. Related to this bucket is my ecommerce bucket. Hopefully you will enjoy digging around my bucket as much as I enjoyed adding to it!
I spent 20 years of my life in the Internet candy distribution business. This bucket is dedicated to the hard working people in the candy business. There will be plenty more to add to this bucket as I find the time.
Car Repair
This bucket is dedicated to people who want to save money on their car repairs. All mechanical things break down eventually so why not teach yourself about how cars work. You will be more confident if someone needs to fix your automobile. Even better, why not fix your own auto?
Most likely you used cheese in the past month to prepare a tasty meal. Perhaps you ate cheese as a quick snack or alternatively as a standalone featured treat. Of course, most people will agree that pizza is only complete with lots of gooey cheese!
Chess is a strategic board game played by millions of people across the globe. Thinking several moves ahead and double checking that your piece cannot be taken often helps beginning chess players.
Christmas is a popular holiday with just about everyone no matter their religious beliefs.
Clint Eastwood
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Clint Eastwood * Well known actor and director in Hollywood. He's also been a producer and music composer. Clint Eastwood's career has spanned 70 years and is obviously respected among his peers.
I learned a little bit about the coffee industry when I started planning a new coffee brand I once wanted to create. Did you know it's often a good idea to roast coffee beans yourself for improved taste?
Computer History
Modern computers are less than 100 years old. The human race has so much more to discover! Perhaps if true artificial intelligence is discovered then AI will create faster computers for us humans. There's so much to cover in this bucket that I will have to say it's a work in progress.
Conan O'Brien
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Conan O'Brien * Team Coco was the longest running late night talk show spanning 28 years. Over the years I have come to appreciate this man's talent. His quick wit and creativity is just off the charts!
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Costco * Price Club was founded in 1976 and Costco was founded in 1983. Both merged in 1993. Costco has grown into 847 warehouses with 304,000 employees and 223 billion in revenue worldwide. I visited my brother a few years back. He lives near Costco's headquarters so he took me over to their building. Nothing special happened and the building was kind of unimpressive which is good to keep down prices! My final project for marketing class consisted of a paper / presentation about a topic of my choice. Along with my partner, we chose the wholesale club business which was a fairly new concept in 1992. For some reason, I still find the history of wholesale clubs interesting. Here's one more Costco story. I started my candy distribution business in San Diego which was the same place Price Club started 20 years before me. I used to buy candy from this one candy distributor where the owner was about 50 years older than me. One of the owner's family members once told me that this owner refused to merge their candy distribution company with startup Price Club when offered the chance. Hindsight is 20/20 and everyone on Earth has made the wrong decision multiple times. In fact, merging might have been dangerous because Price Club lost 750K in year one (about $4 million today). I hope you enjoy my Costco bucket!
Crazy Eddie
* Not an official bucket endorsed by whomever owns the Crazy Eddie Trademark * I remember seeing these commercials on WPIX in New York. They were INSANE!!!!
Credit Cards
Buy now and pay later via a cool little plastic card. Track your purchases in real time and understand your spending trends. Just be careful and buy what you can afford so you may pay your balance due each month. Enjoy your cash back or travel rewards! Spend too much money and pay interest on your outstanding balance.
Learn the basics of cryptocurrency and the blockchain.
Custom PC Build
I purchased numerous PCs over the years for personal and small business use. Last year, I decided not to overpay for a store bought computer that contained inferior parts. In the past, building a computer was quite complicated. Today the process is simple with numerous tutorials and how to videos.
Dental Care
Dental care is important to your teeth and overall well being. Take some time to learn about how to care for your own teeth. Finding a good dentist who truly cares about you and your family will make all the difference.
Denzel Washington
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Denzel Washington.* The first public bucket ever created on this platform is dedicated to Denzel Washington. Why? Because Denzel is just plain cool and Full Sort is trying to follow in his footsteps. Find within this bucket links relating to Mr. Washington's life including motivational videos, his movies and full biography.
Domino's Pizza
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Domino's Pizza * Domino's started in 1960 to become the largest pizza chain in the World. I love domino's tasty sauce. I always ask for extra. I briefly worked for the Dana Point, CA Domino's in 1993. Feels like yesterday.
Downton Abbey
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Downton Abbey * Julian Fellowes created this marvelous historical drama premiering in January 2011. This wildly successful franchise is based on the fictional Crawley family and their servants in early 20th century England. The series ended in December 2015 on top with millions of loyal fans. Two movies have been released with perhaps more on the way. This is one of those buckets that can never be complete due to a plethora of information available.
New ventures and existing brick and mortar businesses are rapidly moving online. Instead of selling locally, businesses are able to sell globally.
Everything needed to analyze the economy. Here's a bunch of data sources for you to analyze.
Eddie Murphy
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Eddie Murphy * Eddie Murphy is famous for his stand up comedy and often iconic films.
Eight Is Enough
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the television series owner of Eight Is Enough * This was a television show that ran for five seasons from 1977 to 1981. Many people including myself have fond memories of this show that remind us of our childhoods. My wife comes from a family of eight and she's the youngest. Whenever we visit with her family there's never a dull moment! I'm trying to find interviews with the other actors on the show but coming up empty. If I find the interviews I'll add them to my bucket.
Have you ever experienced a black out for over a day? This is what your life would feel like without electricity. You now know how important electricity is to our lives and society as a whole.
This has been my passion since I was 8 years old. So much fun creating a new business. The ultimate game!
Evel Knievel
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the estates of Robbie or Evel Knieval * I spent 10 minutes trying to find a comparison between Evel Knievel and his son Robbie. It seems Robbie performed more successful stunts than his innovative father. Although, Robbie used a lighter bike specifically made for jumping and benefited from his father's experience. I almost named this bucket "The Knievels" but decided to use the well known name "Evel Knievel" so everyone would know what this bucket was about instantly. This bucket is equally about both father and son. There are so many interviews out there that this bucket only scratches the surface. I may add a stunt bucket in the future in dedication to all the other stunt performers who deserve recognition.
Famous Local Eats
Eating places that local people rave about and tell their friends. Included in the list are places that I personally love and want to tell my bucket subscribers about. As you can see from my personal choices I am biased towards pub food. For the most part I did not include restaurants where food is served formally. I will save my favorite traditional restaurants for a different bucket.
Faroe Islands
Are you looking for a quiet island to relax? Well you found a special place that is quite different from any island you have ever visited. Be sure to listen to the soothing voice of Matt Workman on his Faroe Islands Podcast.
Finger Lakes
The Finger Lakes are known for wine tasting, fishing, boating and nature. As a kid my parents would take the family and our small boat to this area. We water skied and explored Canandaigua and Keuka Lakes. When my kids were old enough we took them tubing on boats we rented and relaxed at homes we found on the Internet.
Five Guys
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Five Guys * The first time I tried Five Guys was when I lived in Leesburg, VA for one year in 2008. Before that, I was the biggest In-N-Out Burger fan. I still like In-N-Out better but only by perhaps 5%. There is a well known saying about Five Guys. They truly are "The Willy Wonka of Burger Craft"
I am a simple person. I love garlic salt on my steak or burger and I'm happy. Almost 20 years ago I was lucky enough to eat at a fancy restaurant. The chef prepared my meal with roasted garlic which was something I had never experienced until this meal. I now prepare numerous meals at home with roasted garlic! What do I do if I have to run out the door to meet someone? I eat part of a lime.
Genesis Band
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Genesis * Rock band from the UK who created numerous hits for their huge fan base.
George Clooney
* Not an official bucket endorsed by George Clooney * George Clooney is well known for his confidence, intelligence, charm and good looks. He works hard appearing in numerous films over the years cementing his superstar status in Hollywood for all of eternity.
There’s gold in them thar hills! The element of gold is used mostly in electronics, coins and jewelry.
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Hallmark * Hallmark started as a greeting card company and grew into a major brand spanning gifts and family entertainment. Hallmark is a privately-owned company.
Harry Potter
* Not an official bucket endorsed by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. * J.K. Rowling has an impressive imagination so much so that she wrote seven novels about an entire fantasy World that captured the affection of millions of young readers. Even 25 years later, Harry Potter remains wildly popular with new readers. There's still more that needs to be added. Anyone want to take over my bucket?
Healthy Snacks
This bucket is devoted to snacks that taste great. Tasty snacks make the chore of eating healthy easier.
The first time I discovered holograms was in 1977 while watching the Star Wars scene of Princess Leia talking via Hologram. There's the metaverse (virtual reality) and there's holography. I think both can co-exist and serve different functions.
Home Projects
DIY Information. Learn and save yourself some cash.
Hudson Valley
Looking for places to visit and hotels to stay? All sorts of activities exist in the Mid-Hudson Valley. This bucket is written through the eyes of a non-resident.
Huell Howser
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the estate of Huell Howser * Huell Howser was a regional celebrity mainly in California. Want to learn little known facts about California? Perhaps you just want to go back in time to see what life was like back in the day. Then watch a few minutes with Huell to recharge your batteries. Sadly, Huell died of cancer at the age of 67. Sift around my bucket to learn about this genuinely curious and good natured man. Thank you Huell for making California residents Sunday mornings a little brighter.
Human Sinus
Learn all about human sinuses. Perhaps you want to become a doctor someday or only trying to understand your own body. Learn about your frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses.
Ice Cream
I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream!
In-N-Out Burger
* Not an official bucket endorsed by In-N-Out Burger * Founded in 1948, In-N-Out Burger is mostly in California and now in Texas and other Western states. They are famous for awesome service and amazing food at an affordable price. Please please please come out to the East coast!
Internet Candy
The public and businesses may buy candy directly from most of these distributors. I will add more information to this bucket as I get the time.
Internet History
The Internet has changed human civilization. Lets look back on the Internet's founding and how things have changed over the past 50 years.
Italian Food
I'm Italian so I thought that I would explore the food I grew up with and the dishes I did not know existed. There is so much that I have not yet covered. I will add to my bucket over time.
Jay Leno
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Jay Leno * This comedian has accomplished so much. He obviously loves what he does for a living and churns out new material year after year.
Jennifer Aniston
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Jennifer Aniston * Famous "girl next door" actress known worldwide.
Jon Hamm
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Jon Hamm * This actor personifies "cool" more than 99% of Hollywood. I was quite surprised that Jon Hamm does not have his own website.
Julia Roberts
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Julia Roberts * Julia Roberts is a Hollywood superstar staring in numerous successful movies. The best way I know how to describe Julia Roberts is that she is quietly confident, beautiful and smart. She attracts audiences throughout the World due to her graceful presence.
Kaitlyn Dever
Kaitlyn Rochelle Dever is a an up-and-coming actress in Hollywood who is destined for super stardom. I have never seen a person so willing to grant interviews. There are plenty more I have not added to this bucket simply for the fact that there are too many. Listening to this talented actress confidently answer any question is fun to take in.
Keanu Reeves
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Keanu Reeves * Perhaps you are a Matrix franchise fan or possibly you are a fan of Mr. Reeves earlier work? Either way, Keanu Reeves is known as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. Here's something I heard from a friend who used to work as a cashier in a San Diego parking garage. My friend said he was really down to Earth and friendly when he was paying. So there you go. You can take that info to the bank!
Lake Ontario
I grew up in the Rochester, NY area off Lake Ontario. I'm filling up my bucket with some nuggets I think you will enjoy.
Las Vegas
Did you know Las Vegas is now the 25th most populous city in the USA? This city is located in the Mojave Desert and World famous for gambling and tourist attractions.
Lawn Mowers
A lawn mower or grass cutter keeps your lawn looking clean and tidy. Over the years, mowers have improved from manual operation to gas powered. Then people were able to ride their mower while sipping a cool beverage. To make life even easier, zero turn mowers made turning super simple. Now owners of robotic mowers can browse Full Sort while watching their mower do the hard work for them.
* Not an official bucket endorsed by LEGO * There is a massive store of information about LEGO on the Internet. Perhaps someone would like to take over this bucket? There's so much more to add!
Leonardo DiCaprio
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Leonardo DiCaprio * In my book, I think Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most confident actors of our time. If Mr. DiCaprio taught a Masterclass in confidence, I would take it! He starred in and/or produced numerous mega hits.
Liam Hemsworth
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Liam Hemsworth * Mr. Hemsworth is an Australian actor who is in his early thirties and has accomplished so much in a short period of time. I suspect we will be hearing a lot more about this actor over the next 25 years.
You have a better chance of being struck by lightning than winning the biggest drawings. Knowing this does not stop eager humans from dreaming of a life of luxury.
The smell of fresh cut lumber feeds the soul. Lumber is important in many industries but in construction it's essential. Lumber could be limitless if we plant new trees in place of the ones we cut down.
On the next clear night in your area go outside and look up and find Mars in the sky. Can you believe that Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun? Just 50 million miles from Earth makes for a totally different environment devoid of life.
* Not an official bucket endorsed by McDonald's * As of today, the day this bucket was created, there are over 38,000 restaurants in 100 countries. Ray Kroc should be credited with supersizing McDonald's. However, as history is coming to realize, the McDonald brothers came up with the concept and nurtured a fledgling company during the early phases. All 3 gentleman, along with their employees, help make McDonald's successful.
Michael J Fox
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Michael J Fox * He is known for several roles in movies and television. On the 80s sitcom Family Ties he played Alex P. Keaton. Then as the movie star playing Marty McFly in three Back to the Future movies. He was in several popular movies and in the 90s sitcom Spin City. Mr. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 30 years ago. He has since dedicated his life to advocating for a cure to Parkinson's disease.
Michael Jordan
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Michael Jordan * The GOAT in basketball history. Michael Jordan was a mega superstar in as a basketball player and also a billionaire businessman.
Michael Keaton
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Michael Keaton * I will always remember Michael Keaton as Mr. Mom. His personality is super distinctive!
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Microsoft * Founded in 1975. This company is now one of the largest corporations in the World. Well known for Windows Operating System, Office Suite, Bing, Xbox Gaming and Azure Cloud Computing.
Military Academies
This bucket concentrates on military academies in the USA. The best of the best attend these elite academies. A good portion of graduates go on to become admirals, generals and so forth. I visited West Point just for fun and the tour is amazing. I highly recommend you stay at The Thayer Hotel if you get a good deal online. I am hoping to visit the USAF academy someday and seeing the state of Colorado!
The beautiful island of Nantucket is part of the state of Massachusetts. Originally the whaling capital of the World, now it's a great place to visit if you like traditional New England charm. The best time to visit Nantucket is in the Spring and Fall. Looking to buy a home? Be ready to write a check in the millions of dollars. I'll stick to renting a home or hotel room thank you.
New England
Tucked into the northeastern United States is a region named New England is ready for you to explore. The states that make up this region are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The area is full of history and wonderful food. New England's architecture and bountiful coast is quite memorable.
New Year
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day is a time to party and make some noise! As the clock strikes midnight, it's time to reflect on the past and plan for the future.
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the NFL * I started creating this National Football League bucket and am having trouble stopping, so this bucket is a work in progress!
Niagara Falls
This wonder of the World consists of two distinct destinations that are called "sides". One is the Canadian side and the other is called the American side. The Falls are called the American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The Horseshoe Falls has the border running through it so in essence both countries share ownership of the falls. Lake Erie flows to the Niagara River which feeds the falls from the American side. The river flows along through a deep gorge to Lake Ontario. There are several activities to choose from to spend your time. Viewing Niagara Falls from the American side or the Canadian side. Visiting Canadian tourist destinations and casinos downtown. Wine tasting among the numerous wineries in the Canadian area. Lastly, walking around quaint Niagara-on-the-lake and enjoying the local restaurants.
Northeast Vistas
In search of the perfect vistas located in the Northeastern United States. I limited this bucket so that travelers to the Northeast may focus their attention without the distractions of other regions.
Oprah Winfrey
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Oprah Winfrey * A mega superstar that needs no introduction. Included in this bucket are some of her most popular social media accounts and present day news about her daily life. Also included is information about what motivates this amazing woman.
Panda Express
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Panda Express * This American chinese fast food restaurant started in 1983 out of Pasadena, CA and has grown to over 2,200 locations. My whole family loves their food!
Patrick Mahomes II
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Patrick Mahomes * This young NFL quarterback still has a lot of years left to play in the NFL. He is one of the biggest stars in the league and is well liked by his fellow players and fans.
Peanuts Cartoon
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Peanuts or Snoopy * Hugely successful cartoon franchise started by Charles M. Schulz. He drew each and every cartoon until his death in 2000. Snoopy is the most popular character!
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the estate of Pele* The GOAT men's soccer player. Pele was the nickname given to Edson Arantes do Nascimento. Pele grew up poor using grapefruits and socks stuffed with paper to practice because his parents could not afford a soccer ball. Later, Pele rose to stardom as the World fell in love with the man and his exceptional abilities.
Personal Finance
Do you like saving and investing your hard earned money? I created this bucket just for you! Make your money work for you and enjoy passive gains in wealth.
Philly Suburbs
This area is enormous with lots of things to do. I have only explored some of what is available. Updates to this bucket will continue as I look for new activities.
This sport is growing rapidly among all ages from kids to seniors. Pickleball courts are spreading throughout the World mainly in community parks. Rather than sitting at home, people are making new friends while exercising their mind and body. Dig around my bucket to learn more about pickleball and then find a court near you!
There's a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? This is a quote from the movie The Graduate
You got to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em. Know when to walk away and know when to run. - Kenny Rogers
How amazing is it that a kernel of corn can expand and puff out when heated? Popcorn is so good immediately after popping or even a day later!
Population Facts
Welcome to the fascinating World of population information. The World popular has roughly doubled in the past 50 years. This is quite significant so I'm intrigued enough to fill up my bucket on this topic. This bucket was started the day the World reached 8 billion people.
Price Is Right
* Not an official bucket endorsed by The Price is Right * This game show first aired on September 4, 1972. I just found out that Bob Barker turned 99 years old today. In honor of Mr. Barker who made my life a little more pleasant whenever I was sick from school, I give you my The Price is Right bucket!
Radio was developed through the inventions of multiple people in the late 1800s. There is a debate about who invented radio. Marconi is at the top of the list while some other people say Tesla invented radio. The first scheduled radio broadcast was on November 2, 1920. Take a look around because because I invented the first radio bucket!
Recording Tech
When I started this bucket, I was thinking of ways to combine audio and video tape technologies into one bucket. Then I thought of all the other recording technologies that are available. I am quite surprised that there are so many technologies! This bucket is a work in progress. I will add to my bucket as I learn more.
Rochester, NY
Time for me to go down memory lane and fill my bucket with interesting Internet destinations that represent the wonderful city of Rochester, NY.
This bucket is mostly rocket focused but I almost named it space flight due to all the links to space missions added. Does anyone want to take over my bucket? So many more links are needed to fully cover this growing field.
Rocky / Creed Movies
* Not an official bucket endorsed by owner of Rocky / Creed movies * I enjoyed all of the Rocky and Creed movies except for Rocky V which was just ok. The stories and acting are top notch! This bucket is a work in progress because I have more ideas than time right now.
Rubik's Cube
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Spin Master Ltd. * What a feeling to buy a fresh Rubik's Cube. The sound of plastic rubbing against plastic in perfect symmetry. Everyone owned a Rubik's Cube back in the day. Of course, copycat puzzles in various shapes followed. There were competitions, books and even a cartoon. This craze went on from around 1980 to 1983.
Ryan Destiny
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Ryan Destiny * Famous actress and singer / songwriter
Sackets Harbor, NY
Would you like to visit a quaint little town that overlooks Lake Ontario? I recently visited this beautiful town on three separate occasions. I used to travel through Watertown, NY on my way back home from college. All those times I missed this wonderful town because I never knew of its’ existence!
Salvador Perez
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Salvador Perez * Famous baseball catcher with the Kansas City Royals.
San Diego
I lived in San Diego for 10 years. There's lots to do in this city which feels like a smaller town. There's easy access to the country of Mexico and the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. Right up the road is Orange County and Los Angeles. To really get away lots of residents escape to Las Vegas, NV for the weekend.
A quick and satisfying meal that everyone in the World enjoys to some extent. Many of us are fanatical about finding or creating the perfect sandwich. Hint: quality bread and ingredients go a long way to building a wonderful sandwich.
Selena Gomez
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Selena Gomez * Talented actress and singer. Ms. Gomez is clearly going places!
Serena Williams
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Serena Williams * Most experts will agree that Serena Williams is the GOAT female tennis player. Serena Williams accomplished so much on the tennis court and now is transitioning to life off the court. This superstar woman is taking on the business world while donating her time to charity work.
Shark Tank
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Shark Tank * Entrepreneurs test their skill in the Shark Tank trying to convince famous investors to invest in their business or ideas.
Small Business
Owning a small business is one of my greatest passions. I hope you enjoy this bucket. I plan on adding more information!
Soda Pop
I remember back in the 1970s driving to a pop warehouse that distributed what I believe was Crown pop. My parents would purchase these large bottles of different flavored sodas! They were perhaps a quart in size and had a bottle cap on each bottle. I also remember the Pepsi Taste Challenge which was enormously popular with the public.
Sports Records
What professional athletes are the best of all time? What teams have dominated their sport over the last 100 years? Take a look!
Standing Desks
I am deep into a research project to help save my legs. Sitting at my desk working is getting painful. I think a standing desk will help me relieve some pain and get more healthy. The problem is I'm researching my standing desk sitting down. I need a desk like yesterday!
There's nothing like ending your long day with a juicy, flavorful and warm steak. For some, preparing and then grilling the steak can also be a wonderful experience.
Steve Martin
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Steve Martin. His name is in print now! Things are going to start happening for him! * Steve Martin's brand of humor is quite impressive. He made the transition from comedy to film with ease.
Steve's Favorites
These are my favorites. This includes films, restaurants, websites, and places to travel. I will add to my bucket as I get the time.
Taylor Swift
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Taylor Swift * Superstar singer who is taking over the World!
All about phones old and new. Telephones have evolved over the years but are they now becoming relics of the past? Back in 1994 I worked for an Internet Service Provider. I would sometimes watch my boss or phone company technicians hookup dedicated phone lines which would then connect to modems. It was fun to see phone closets full of wires being manipulated by these people. Fun fact. Did you know that customers once had to rent their phones from the phone company?
Learn how the television was invented. Discover early TV networks and shows. Need to buy a new TV? Gain knowledge on how to buy the best set for a reasonable price.
I'm a bit hungry and thinking about various dishes that will be served on Thanksgiving. In one week I will be able to dig right in.
The Beatles
* Not an official bucket endorsed by The Beatles * Often seen as the GOAT rock bands. The Beatles were formed in Liverpool England in 1960. My Beatles bucket is huge and there's still more that needs to be added. I love The Beatles but I'm far from a super fan. Does a dedicated fan want to create a better Beatles bucket? I will link to your bucket!
The Blob
* Not an official bucket endorsed by The Blob trademark owners * This is a movie you could see at a drive-in! This is a classic teenage scifi movie that is a little nuts and would have been loads of fun back in the day.
The Simpsons
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the owner of The Simpsons franchise * Matt Groening created The Simpsons characters as shorts for The Tracey Ullman Show in 1987. Then in 1989, The Simpsons were spun off into a standalone tv show. The show is the longest running cartoon in history.
The Twilight Zone
* Not an official bucket endorsed by the estate of Rod Serling or The Twilight Zone * Rod Serling's iconic opening monologues were spectacular. This show was sharp and imaginative.
This Old House
* Not an official bucket endorsed by This Old House * Everything you want to know about the famous show This Old House. Likewise, the show Ask This Old House information is included in my bucket.
Thousand Islands
More than 1,800 islands on the St. Lawrence River. First visited when I was perhaps 5 years old. All that I remember were totem poles. I visited again when I was 12 years old. Caught 10 perch fish in one day sitting on a balcony from our motel. Then visited again two times with my own family.
Tiger Woods
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Tiger Woods * Tiger Woods is a professional golfer who's ranked 2nd in career "major" wins on the PGA tour. Many would argue that he lost 10 good years due to injuries which has affected his game. Still Tiger Woods has fight left in him and is enjoying watch his son Charlie competing.
Tim Allen
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Tim Allen * Stand up Comedian. Home Improvement TV Show. Toy Story movies. Santa Claus Movies. Last Man Standing TV Show. Tim Allen is a Hollywood heavyweight.
Tom Hanks
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Tom Hanks * One of the biggest mega stars of our time with a career spanning over 40 years. One of my favorite movies of all time is Cast Away!
USA Road Trips
Who does not like road trips? Short trips are fun for the weekend. Long trips are a perfect way to get away from daily life.
Vacuum Cleaner
Keeping your carpets clean require some kind of vacuum cleaner. Nowadays, the price of a vacuum cleaner is low enough where you can buy one for upstairs and another for downstairs. The way I look at it, each vacuum will double in lifespan because you are using each 50% less. Thank me for saving your back because you will no longer need to lug a vacuum upstairs and downstairs. In my opinion, cordless vacuums are annoying due to their low power. I love my shop vacuum for cleaning my car carpets so after researching for a while, I came across the mini shop vacuum. The canister is light and I bought a small extension cord. Now I can easily vacuum our home's stairs in record time due to it's high power. Even better, I don't have to worry about a cordless battery wearing down.
Video Equipment
Video recorders & players changed the way people were able to consume information and enjoy entertainment. Lets explore this wonderful technology with Internet destinations within my bucket.
Video Game History
My first experience with video games was when a family member gave us their old Odyssey video game system. As a small kid, I was fond of this system for a little while until I became bored. You would take a piece of plastic with drawings on them and stick it to your TV set using static electricity. The user would control a bright dot around the screen which would show through the transparent plastic drawings. There was soccer, baseball, haunted house, racing, etc. When the Atari 2600 came out, ours was Sears private label, I guess this game was sold in a garage sale. Video game history bucket concentrates on 1970s and 1980s.
Even in the 21st century, watches play an integral part in people's lives. I am partial to the Apple watch but my high school age son is into mechanical watches. I told him I would take the time to make a bucket and learn why he thinks smartwatches are junk. The engineering of current smartwatches is absolutely unbelievable to me; however, watch aficionados would label my words pure blasphemy.
Wayne Gretzky
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Wayne Gretzky * Mr. Wayne Gretzky coined the famous quote “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take". Wayne Gretzsky, also known as "The Great One", is the greatest ice hockey player of all time.
Web Browsers
Web browsers have come a long way since the early 1990s. Although I will say they have not changed drastically. Kind of like automobiles that still run on four wheels.
I have been going to Wegmans since I was three years old. As a teenager late at night, I would visit with my friends to pick up some food. Wegmans is based out of my hometown of Rochester, NY and you can find a store in just about every town in Rochester. Now Wegmans is expanding all over the East and Mid-Atlantic coasts. The Wegman family has been running Wegmans for over 100 years.
I enjoy wine mainly with my meals. I drink wine perhaps once every two weeks. Most of my wine comes from the Finger Lakes and Canadian wine regions.
World of Taste
I became interested in the subjective world of taste as I started learning about healthy snacks. Eating healthy is wonderful but taste and fulfillment helps with discipline. Learning about taste may help me in my journey to becoming more healthy.
My son just started in the sport of wrestling at his high school. I visited the parent orientation and was blown away by the coach who was more of a motivational speaker. I still remember wrestling in high school gym class but think it's time for me to learn more about this interesting sport. Any experts in wrestling want to take over my bucket?
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Xerox * Xerox at one time was famous Worldwide for their copiers. Did you know that the good people at Xerox invented ethernet, GUI, WYSIWYG and laser printers? As a kid in something like 1979, I still remember visiting their Webster engineering building on a tour. There was so much to learn but I mostly wanted to play a space invaders clone game on this one machine. I bet it was an Alto! Thank you Xerox for your contributions to the computer industry.
* Not an official bucket endorsed by Zendaya * American actress who started in modeling and dancing and now making her mark in Hollywood.